Long Haired German Shepherd Breeds: A Complete Guide

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Have you ever seen a long-haired German Shepherd up close? Meeting their gaze feels like they understand us deeply. Their eyes are like windows to a shared connection and friendship. These beautiful dogs know how to win over our hearts.

This guide is your key to the world of long-haired German Shepherds. We will look at their past, what they look like, how they act, and the fun and challenges of owning one. It’s perfect for anyone interested in these stunning dogs. Whether you’re thinking of getting one or just love learning about them, find all you need here.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Long-haired German Shepherds have a captivating and soulful presence that connects with people on a deep level.
  • This comprehensive guide will uncover the history, physical characteristics, and unique temperaments of long-haired German Shepherd breeds.
  • Whether you’re an enthusiast or potential owner, this guide is designed to provide you with all the information you need to know about these remarkable dogs.

Unveiling the History of Long Haired German Shepherd Breeds

The story of long haired German Shepherds is captivating. It shows the work of passionate people and their journey. This includes facing challenges and becoming popular again. We will look into how these beautiful dogs came to be, thanks to Max von Stephanitz. Their path is from almost disappearing to now being loved.

Max von Stephanitz and the Breed’s Origins

Max von Stephanitz was the starting point for long haired German Shepherds. He was a German captain who loved dogs. Back in the late 19th century, he set out to make a dog that was smart, loyal, and strong. He realized the potential in German Shepherds and wanted to perfect the breed.

Stephanitz started a club for German Shepherds and became very important in setting breed standards. He aimed to use selective breeding to make sure all German Shepherds shared certain qualities, including their long hair.

The Survival of Long Hair Trait Against Breed Standards

In the beginning, long hair on German Shepherds wasn’t seen as good. Stephanitz and the club didn’t like it. They wanted dogs with short hair since they were more useful for work.

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Still, the long hair trait lived on because sometimes long haired puppies were born. Even though these dogs didn’t meet the standards, they were as smart and loyal as the others. People later began to see the beauty in the long hair and appreciate those dogs.

From Near Extinction to a Resurgence in Popularity

In the mid-20th century, long haired German Shepherds faced a big problem. The long hair trait nearly vanished because it wasn’t wanted by the club. But, some breeders saw the importance of saving these dogs. They worked hard to keep the long hair trait alive.

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Thanks to these efforts, long haired German Shepherds started becoming popular again. Today, we admire them for their unique looks, kind nature, and loyalty.

history of long haired german shepherd breeds

Identifying a Long Haired German Shepherd

Identifying a long haired German Shepherd is easy if you know what to look for. They stand out from the short-haired ones. You’ll notice this by looking at the dog’s physical traits and their special coats.

A key feature of these German Shepherds is their thick double coats. Their top coats are long and sleek, while the undercoats are dense. This keeps them warm in cold weather. Their coats give them a special, majestic look compared to standard German Shepherds.

These dogs have long hair around their neck, tail, and back legs. It looks like a mane, making them appear even more impressive. Daily brushing is key to keeping their fur free of tangles and shiny.

identifying long haired german shepherd

Long haired German Shepherds also have strong builds and look very self-assured. They have elegant heads and eyes full of wisdom and faithfulness.

  1. Their ears are medium-sized and stand erect, making them look wise and alert.
  2. They’ve long, bushy tails that they carry low, naturally.
  3. The dogs show off a powerful jawline and a strong facial structure.

All these traits make them look impressive and strong.

Learning about the special features and coats of long haired German Shepherds is fascinating. It helps you spot and admire these awesome dogs. From their beautiful coats to their strong bodies and striking faces, these dogs are truly unforgettable.

Physical Characteristics: More Than Just a Pretty Coat

Standard Size and Weight of These Majestic Dogs

Long haired German Shepherds are known for their big size and beautiful looks. These dogs are quite large, with adult males reaching 24 to 26 inches tall. They weigh between 65 to 90 pounds. Adult females are a bit smaller, standing 22 to 24 inches tall and weighing 50 to 70 pounds. Their size and posture make them very impressive.

The Unique Coat Type and Grooming Needs

Their coat is what makes long haired German Shepherds stand out. It’s double-layered, with a dense, straight or slightly wavy outer coat and a soft undercoat. This setup provides great insulation against the cold. Their special coat demands regular grooming to stay in good shape.

Dogs like the long haired German Shepherds need regular brushing to prevent matting and keep their fur from tangling. Brushing also cuts down on shedding. Baths are necessary, but be sure to use mild shampoo. Keeping their nails trimmed and their ears clean is important for their health.

unique coat type of long haired german shepherds

Distinctive Features Distinguishing Them from Short-Haired Variants

Besides their long, beautiful coat, these German Shepherds have other distinct traits. They have an alert, intelligent look thanks to their well-defined forehead and almond-shaped eyes.

They also have a remarkable, bushy tail that hangs when they’re calm. This tail makes them look noble and different from short-haired German Shepherds, who have straighter, less fluffy tails.

Because of their long hair, these dogs look more elegant than the short-haired ones. Their size, coat, and unique features all add to their striking beauty. Long haired German Shepherds truly are special.

Understanding the Temperament of Long Haired German Shepherds

Long haired German Shepherds have a unique temperament. They show loyalty, bravery, and affection but can also be aloof. They become very close with their families and are great at protecting them. This loyalty also makes them wonderful companions and workers.

In their family, they are loving and gentle. They deeply care for their human friends. They love the attention they get back. They are smart and understand their family’s feelings well.

temperament of long haired german shepherds

As guard dogs, they are brave and protective. They stay alert and are good at scaring away intruders. Their bravery and smarts also help them in jobs like finding people, police work, and assisting people with special needs.

These dogs may not be very friendly with strangers. They are careful around people they don’t know, making them good watchdogs. But, if they meet many new people from when they’re young, they usually do well with others later on.

To sum it up, long haired German Shepherds have a unique temper that mixes loyalty and aloofness. They love their family deeply and are great at keeping them safe. It’s important to start introducing them to new people early to avoid problems later on.

Long Haired German Shepherd Breeds and Interactions with Families

Thinking about adding a long haired German Shepherd to your family? You should know they are great with kids and other pets. These big, furry dogs are loyal, loving, and protect their families well. They are perfect for any home.

Building Bonds with Children: Safety and Supervision

Long haired German Shepherds and children often become the best of friends. They’re kind and patient, making them ideal for playtime. But, it’s key to watch over them. This makes sure no one gets accidentally hurt. Teaching kids how to respect pets and their space is important. It helps everybody live in peace.

Compatibility with Other Household Pets

Do you already have other pets at home? Bringing in a German Shepherd needs a careful approach. Their ability to get along with cats or small dogs depends on their social skills. Making introductions slow and watching their meetings lets them become friends. Be aware, German Shepherds might act to protect their space. But, good early socialization can prevent problems. It helps create a happy home for all.

Socialization’s Role in Managing Territorial Instincts

Long haired German Shepherds naturally guard their homes. Early socializing with people and animals is important to keep them calm. This helps them not fear or act aggressive. Using positive training helps build good behavior. With the right social skills, German Shepherds are a joy to have around.

interactions with families

Long Haired German Shepherd: A Trainer’s Insight

Experts in the field share important insights about training long haired German Shepherds. These dogs are known for being easy to train, smart, and loyal. They make great candidates for learning obedience, agility, and more.

Trainers stress the use of positive rewards during training. Things like treats, praise, and play can create a strong connection between the dog and its owner. This not only makes the dog happy but also helps it learn better.

Consistency is key in working with these beautiful dogs. They do well with clear routines and expectations. It’s vital to keep rules and boundaries the same all through training.

Adding mental challenges to their training is also important. These dogs are very smart and need to use their brains too. Toys, games, and tasks that require thinking help keep them sharp and happy.

Socialization from a young age is critical for long haired German Shepherds. Introducing them to different people, places, and animals helps them learn to behave well and feel secure. This early work also prepares them to handle new experiences throughout their lives.

Trainers also recommend getting help from a professional if needed, especially for new owners. A professional trainer can offer advice, unique training methods, and help with difficult behaviors.

With the right guidance from experts, long haired German Shepherds can reach their full potential. Good training helps them do well in many activities. It also keeps their natural cleverness and personality shining through.

long haired german shepherd training

Nurturing the Health of Long Haired German Shepherds

Common Health Concerns in Long Haired GSDs

Long haired German Shepherds are, for the most part, a robust breed. Nevertheless, these dogs can face specific health challenges. Owners must understand these to safeguard their pets’ health and lifespan.

Some common issues for long haired German Shepherds are:

  1. Hip and Elbow Dysplasia: This genetic issue affects the joints, causing pain for the dog. Plenty of exercise and good food can ease its effects.
  2. Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI): EPI makes it hard for the pancreas to digest food, leading to poor nutrition. A vet can help design a diet to manage EPI.
  3. Degenerative Myelopathy: This disease hampers the spinal cord, affecting movement. Exercise and regular vet check-ups can help.
  4. Allergies: Skin allergies are common, causing itching and skin issues. Appropriate grooming and diet can reduce these symptoms.

Proper Nutrition for Optimal Health and Vitality

A balanced, nutritious diet is key for the health of these dogs. High-quality food suited to their needs is essential.

Look for these in dog food:

  • A protein main like chicken, beef, or fish
  • No artificial additives
  • Omega-3, vitamins, and minerals

Ask your vet for advice on feeding your dog properly, including portion sizes and meal times. Always keep fresh water handy for your dog to drink.

Regular Exercise and Its Impact on Overall Well-being

Staying active is critical for the health of these dogs. They love exercise and need it daily to stay fit and happy.

Try daily walks, runs, or playing safely. Mental challenges, like training and games, are also important to keep them sharp and content.

Consider your dog’s needs and any age-related exercise limitations. Talk to your vet about exercise plans to ensure they’re safe and beneficial.

By tackling health challenges head-on, feeding your dog properly, and keeping them active, you can enjoy a long, healthy life with your long haired German Shepherd.

health of long haired german shepherds

Grooming and Care Tips for Long Haired German Shepherd Breeds

Keeping your long haired German Shepherd in top shape takes work. They have a thick, shiny coat that needs a lot of care to stay healthy. This includes regular grooming to avoid tangles and messy fur.

Brushing is key for these beautiful dogs. It stops their hair from matting and cuts down on shedding. You should use a slicker brush or a wide comb. Always start from the base and gently work your way to the ends. Focus on spots like behind their ears and under the arms to prevent knots.

Bathing is also crucial for long haired German Shepherds. Pick a dog shampoo that’s gentle and remember to rinse well. Leftover shampoo can lead to itchy skin.

Keep their nails short to protect their feet and keep them comfortable. Also, check their ears for any problems and keep them clean. Use ear cleaner on a soft cotton ball, but never go too deep.

Help them keep their teeth clean by giving them special toys or chews. And remember, regular vet check-ups are important. They’ll help keep your dog healthy and happy.

Exercise and constant learning are vital for these smart dogs. They love playing and learning new things. Walking, fetch, and training games are good for their body and mind. This makes them not only happy but also healthy.

  • Brush their coat regularly to prevent matting and reduce shedding
  • Use a dog-specific shampoo for bathing and rinse thoroughly
  • Trim their nails to prevent overgrowth and splitting
  • Check their ears weekly for signs of infection or excessive wax
  • Provide dental care with dental chews or toys
  • Schedule regular check-ups with a veterinarian
  • Provide daily exercise and mental stimulation

If you follow these tips, your long haired German Shepherd will be healthy and well-groomed.


We’ve delved into the intriguing world of long haired German Shepherds in this guide. We covered a lot, from their history and unique looks to how they act. We also talked about their place in the family, training tips, and keeping them healthy.

Max von Stephanitz is a key figure in creating the German Shepherd breed. He did this work knowing there would be challenges. Long haired German Shepherds face some hurdles keeping up with breed standards, but they are getting more popular again. Knowing what to look for in a long haired German Shepherd helps us see their true beauty and how they stand out.

In terms of personality, these dogs show a mix of traits. They are loyal, brave, and can be loving but sometimes distant. They do well with kids and other pets if introduced properly early on. This can help manage their natural need to protect their space.

Looking after your long haired German Shepherd’s health is crucial. Watch out for common health issues, feed them right, and make sure they stay active. Also, keeping up with grooming and knowing how to care for their coat is important. This ensures they always look and feel their best.

Long haired German Shepherds are amazing dogs with a special place in our hearts. They can be devoted friends, protectors, or even work alongside us. Their beauty and grace never fail to impress.


What are long haired German Shepherd breeds?

Long haired German Shepherds are a type of this dog known for their longer and thicker fur. This is different from the usual short-haired look you might know.

What is the history of long haired German Shepherd breeds?

Long haired German Shepherds have a unique history. Max von Stephanitz helped create them. Their long hair was not always accepted but is now loved worldwide.

How can you identify a long haired German Shepherd?

You can tell by their long and thick fur. It’s a clear sign they’re different from the short-haired kind. They truly stand out.

What are the physical characteristics of long haired German Shepherds?

They’re just like other German Shepherds in size. But their coats need special care. They also have unique looks because of their long hair.

What is the temperament of long haired German Shepherds?

These dogs are loyal and brave. They also need to learn how to get along with others. This means they should meet people and pets when they’re young.

How do long haired German Shepherds interact with families?

They can fit well into a family with kids and pets. But make sure they learn to be friendly early on. This helps them not be too protective of their family.

What insights do trainers have on training long haired German Shepherds?

Trainers say to always use positive ways to teach them. These dogs are smart and need regular training. Keep at it, and they’ll learn a lot.

What are the health considerations for long haired German Shepherds?

They might face some health issues from time to time. But the right food and enough exercise can help a lot. This keeps them fit and healthy.

What are the grooming and care tips for long haired German Shepherd breeds?

Because of their long fur, grooming is key for these dogs. Regular care is vital for their health and well-being. It also helps keep them looking their best.

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